Sunday 25 April 2010

Road Rage!!!!!!!!!!!

To all those drivers out there...put your hands up if you ever experience road rage?? Yes? thought so...indeed, even to the passengers, I'm sure many people have experienced road rage at one point. I do. Oh yes I do...I get really frustrated with learner drivers (even though I swore blind I wouldn't when I was learning to drive...), those who don't indicate, those who cut me up, and even the old folk who refuse to drive anywhere near the speed limit to the boy racers in their poxy old modified fiestas or corsas...just typing this gets me annoyed! However, I do not 'take it out on the car' in that I don't rev the engine, over take at great speed or drive aggressively or dangerously, I just rant and rave and curse (see previous post on swearing...)!

As ever, I googled 'road rage' expecting to find some good, detailed, relevant information on road rage which could make this blog post an interesting read, yet most of the links are for computer games and lyrics for a certain Dizzy Rascal track...however, I came across this site Drivers Revenge - Don't get Mad Get Even

Suprisingly, road rage has been listed as an official mental disorder in the DSM of Mental Disorders, with behaviours typically associated with road rage being the result of intermittent explosive disorder!


  1. Wow, I can't believe that road rage is an official mental disorder. I have the worse habit of road rage ever, especially when I'm driving in an area I'm not familiar with and I pretty much look like a crazy person cursing and yelling in my car. Would have never thought to include this in "Being Bad", good job!

  2. Wow, I was shocked about what you found out about road rage being a mental disorder. As I can't drive and have never took any lessons I can't comment on what road rage is like, however I have seen explosions of people I have been in the car with as they have lost it at being cut up and nearly crashing. I think that people need to take driving more serious as it can cause serious accidents and cost lives

  3. I think it was a really good idea for you to use this topic for one of your blogs. I can't believe there was not a lot of information on it because it's true what you said about not even having to be a driver to experience road rage. It's everywhere. I personally love it when people are doing way over the speed limit and take over me when its dangerous only to end up at red traffic lights, and I will sit in my car behind them laughing. Some people are always in a rush to get no where.
