Tuesday 13 April 2010

Outlaws and Bikers!

The Hells Angels have long had a fearsome reputation - rebels bikers embracing a life of criminality and are fearless of the law and those who enforce it, cruising on Harley Davidsons in gangs that ooze confidence, strength and pride in the band of brothers they have pledged themselves to. They have a website in which they defend themselves to be a 'Motorcycle club' not a gang, however, type into google 'Hells Angels' and there is a stream of articles, newspaper reports and documentaries examining the notoriety of the Motorcycle club, and the extensive list of crimes associated with them.

There is no doubt about it, they are a force to be reckoned with. They have groups, or charters, all over the world and are continually monitored by FBI and other law enforcers...but who are they and how do they work? Well, this article answers many of those questions, but nonetheless, they are still an illusive association, which I can't help but slightly admire!

I won't deny it, I would love to experience life, not only free from the burdens of government law and restrictions, but to fight it with a challenging force of fearless strength. I would like to be part of a close community, who respect you like family, and damn it, I would like a harley Davidson! There is something appealing about being part of a rebel outlaw gang...sorry motorcycle group. But would I want it as a lifestyle choice? Possibly not. It can't all be rosy and wonderful, there is lot of violence between gangs, criminal activity and FBI raids which can not contribute to a peaceful life, and I suppose there is a lot of security within my law abiding and regulated life!

This blog makes for an interesting, if not scary read!

A question - are these people Anarchists - I love this definition of anarchism - Anarchism... stands for liberation of the human mind from the dominion of religion; the liberation of the human body from the dominion of property; liberation from shackles and restraint of government. It stands for social order based on the free grouping of individuals (Emma Goldman) - stolen from the TV series Sons of Anarchy, a brilliant series on Fiver (damn, I should be paid advertising commission)...

I for one would love to be an anarchist (if only for a few months!)

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