Wednesday 10 February 2010

Smoking's a Drag... !!

I am no advocate for health and wellbeing...far from it...I unashamedly enjoy binge drinking, indulge in junk food and certainly don't do enough exercise...but I prefer to abuse and intoxicate my mind and matter on my terms, through my choices , when I choose too, with some entertaining, enjoyable experiences! I have no enjoyment or benefit from breathing in the remnants of the nicotine based indulgence through passive smoking, I much prefer not to be able to see the air I breathe.

'Back in the day' when smoking was permitted in clubs and pubs, not only would I have to contend with the after effects of alcohol through sickness and headaches, but I would have to endure sore eyes, smelly hair and clothes, and the memory of how horrible it was to be in a smoke fueled atmosphere. Banning smoking in such places has encouraged me to go out more than I used to (as it is a far more enjoyable experience since I can now breathe sufficiently in the club) therefore drinking more than I used to, so, indirectly, banning smoking has caused a non-smoker to drink more alcohol!

Smoking on the 'Big Screen', coupled with a sexy, bold, charismatic movie icon does glamourise the 'filthy habit'...but don't be fooled, you will not be as glamourous and seductive after inhaling on a pack of Benson & Hedges! The image of a 40 year old, looks 60, yellow teeth, hoarse voice surrounded in a cloud of smoke, self-produced by choking out fumes like a chevrolet suburban does not conjure up images of Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn! I hear the smokers crying out..I don't look like this! Maybe true...but neither do you look like Johnny Depp (and if you's not due to smoking!)...

On a serious note, smoking in movies has dramatically dropped since the 1950's - it is far less socially accepted these days due to the scientific and medical influences in society...but damn them! Who are they to dictate to society what is and is not acceptable! Smokers, enjoy the cigars! Chain smoke the marlboro (marlboro lights - lets advocate a healthy lifestyle...ha!)

1 comment:

  1. Great she's only 38 really! Your point is an entirely valid one - I've smoked 10 a day for 10 years and whilst the only physical indication of this (I hope) is a shortness of breath when ascending stairs, I don't look much like Lauren Bacal either! On my blog I argued the case for smoking being sexy, though in reality I know it's disgusting...
